SuperShow Supports UK Shows Regional Meetings

 Tue, 23rd Jan, 2024

The ASAO has 12 regions across the United Kingdom which nurtures collaboration and networking among local shows.

These regional networks meet regularly and are useful events for shows to share ideas and challenges.

These meetings have been given a new lease of life with ASAO becoming more involved and securing sponsorship to help improve the standard of these important network meetings in the calendar of agricultural shows.

The SuperShow team are delighted to be associated with the grass root agricultural shows. 'Networking events like these regional meetings are more important than ever, creating an opportunity for shows, staff and volunteers to meet in person, share ideas and solutions to common challenges shows face. The SuperShow brand is all about highlighting best practice and improving standards across all agricultural shows, fairs and events around the world', said Loughnan Hooper, founder of Dotser, the software development company behind SuperShow. 'This series regional meetings organised in association with the ASAO UK is an excellent focus for show minds, should help push show standards and improve compliance across the agricultural event sector.'
