Fri 22nd Feb 2019

Dotser software enabling retail businesses successfully implement a sustainable online strategy

eCommerce is growing at an exponential rate across the world similar to the great Californian Gold Rush of the late 1840's. The traditional high street marketplace is being severely disrupted, similar to the plight suffered by the Native Californians which saw their decline from genocide, starvation and disease. The native small business is seeing it's customer base decimated with the lure of the simple, fast and always accessible mobile eCommerce store. Similar to the Gold Rush entrepreneurs of 1849 staking their claim on the most lucrative streams and riverbeds, early adopters have displaced traditional stores, disrupted the marketplace and it will be difficult to dislodge these well positioned 'pioneers', who have implemented the best of panning, extraction and distribution technologies to maximise the opportunity. Meanwhile far too many traditional stores are still not dealing with the marketplace reality and spending too much time complaining about these pioneers and trying to convince themselves that high street retail is sustainable in its traditional form. For certain industry sectors it could be argued that there is hope for its longevity but the retail business community need to start seriously 'claiming their rights' online and furthermore selecting the right technology to win in the Gold Rush stakes.

The Dotser ePro ecommerce platform has been custom built to give retailers  the tools to not only have a presence in the online marketplace, but also the technologies required to win. Check out some examples of how Dotser ePro is helping business stake their claim - #ecommerce #goldrush #california #retail
