Mon 14th Nov 2022

Why shipping promotions, and the time of 11.25am need to be on your checklist!

1. Stock up for the window shoppers.

For they may be your Cyber Monday Ecommerce buyers. 

Did you know Cyber Monday came to be as a result of people preferring to window shop on Black Friday (rather than fight the in-store crowds and queues) and then shopping for those items from the comfort of their work computer (where there was much better broadband) the following Monday?

As such, we believe it’s best to have in-store and window displays prepared accordingly.

2. Mobile responsiveness at the ready!

Despite improved home broadband (since the early days of Cyber Monday in the 2000s), the trend of buying “at work” (95% of office workers in one poll) on this particular day continues. The only difference being that more people (42%) are now using their own devices and broadband to do so. Therefore it is imperative to ensure your site is mobile responsive and tested for optimum performance on mobile and tablet devices. 

3. Prepare for male centric sales!

Because apparently it is mostly men that buy on Cyber Monday!

According to recent research in the US, 58% of completed purchases on Cyber Monday are made by men.

4. 11:25am is peak Cyber Monday sales time! 

So best be prepared for the mid morning period in general as it is thought this peak time is due to a post coffee break and early Monday morning priorities being out of the way.

5. Christmas stocks at the ready! 

Research by Amárach Consulting for PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) in 2018, suggests that about a fifth of those surveyed in Ireland will do the majority of their Christmas shopping over the two days – (Black Friday and the day after) and three days later on Cyber Monday.

This research piece also suggests that about 56% of those surveyed are interested in doing at least some of their shopping on Black Friday or Cyber Monday. 

6. Ensure your system can handle an increase in traffic!

And your transaction process and payment gateways are working optimally. Because despite the average spend per person declining, the actual number of buyers completing purchases continues to grow. 

7. Consider international customers. 

Since the arrival of Cyber Monday in the early 2000s, over 17 countries have gotten in on the Cyber Monday action. These include (excluding Ireland): Germany, the UK, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Japan, Argentina, Canada, India with many reporting Cyber Monday as one of their busiest online sales days of the year.

8. Consider and highlight any reduced shipping costs or shipping promotions!

Because a recent poll found that reduced shipping costs were the second thing (and a very close second) about Cyber Monday that lured them in. Price reductions were the first.


We hope these help, and would like to wish all our Dotser Commerce clients a very successful Cyber Monday, this coming Monday! 


Should you have any questions or development requirements for your website, please don't hesitate to contact us on 057 9323262 or at


